Reusable To -Go Containers

Virginia Tech Dining Services has partnered has partnered with VT’s Student Government Association (SGA) and Housing and Residence Life to bring you Reusable To-Go containers!

By saying no to single-use containers we’re cutting down on waste and eliminating styrofoam from all of our dining halls on campus. Read below for more information on what the program is and how it works.

What is the Reusable To-Go program?

Reusable To-Go containers are green, plastic containers that can be used instead of compostable to-go containers. This is an excellent way to reduce the amount of waste produced on our campus.  At this time, the Reusable To-Go container program is being offered at West End Market, Owens Food Court, and Turner Place.

Every student, staff, and faculty member at Virginia Tech has three Reusable To-Go containers loaded onto their Hokie Passport account for free. Like library books, you are only charged if you check out more than your allotted three containers, or fail to return all of your checked-out containers at the end of the year.

How does it work?

Not sure how to navigate reusable containers on campus? Check out the simple steps below, or watch the video above:

Step 1: Ask for your food in a Reusable To-Go Container when you order. When you Hokie Passport is charged for a meal, a Reusable To-Go container will be checked out from your account. You can have up to three containers out at one time.

Step 2: Take your food with you! Share your adventures with #vtreusable.

Step 3: Bring your empty container back to an OZZI machine in West End Market, Owens Food Court, or Turner Place. Follow the instructions on the machine. Once your return is complete, a credit will be added back onto your account*.

*If you receive a token when you return your Reusable To-Go container you can take that coin to a cashier in West End Market, Owens Food Court, or Turner Place to have a credit placed back on your account. Your return will not be credited back to your Hokie Passport until you turn your coin in.

Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 as many times as you’d like!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I use the reusable to-go containers?

Meals can be served in Reusable To-Go containers at any location in West End Market, Owens Food Court, and Turner Place where a to-go meal would normally be served in a 9 inch compostable to-go container.

Once I’ve used my Reusable To-Go container, what do I do?

Bring your empty Reusable To-Go container to any of the Ozzi machines located at West End Market, Owens Food Court or Turner Place.  Follow the instructions on the OZZI machine; once you return your container, a credit will be placed back on your account.

I received a token when I returned my Reusable To-Go container. What do I do?

If you receive a token when you return your Reusable To-Go container you can take that coin to a cashier in West End Market, Owens Food Court, or Turner Place to have a credit placed back on your account. Your return will not be credited back to your Hokie Passport until you turn your coin in.

I don’t have a dishwasher in my residence hall/ apartment, can I still take part in this program?

Yes! All containers that are returned to the OZZI machines are washed in Dining Services’ commercial dishwashers.  We will wash the containers, but please empty your containers so that they are as free of food as possible before returning to the OZZI machines.

Where exactly are the OZZI machines located?

There are three OZZI machines on campus. They are located in West End Market, Owens Food Court, and Turner Place.

OZZI Locations_Fall2015_2

Why did all on campus students receive free Reusable To-Go containers in 2015?

In 2015 the VT Student Government Association (SGA) passed legislation that funded the purchase of 6,400 Reusable To-Go containers, which were placed in the dorm rooms of all incoming freshmen. Housing and Residence Life purchased 3,200 containers for all upperclassmen living on campus. At the time, students needed to buy in to the program in order to use the containers. Now, every student on campus has access to three containers!

How should I take care of my Reusable To-Go container?

While in your possession, be mindful that the Reusable To-Go containers are meant to be reused.  Please take care of them!  Before returning your Reusable To-Go containers, please empty and clean them. These containers are both microwave and dishwasher safe.

What if I lose my token or my Reusable To-Go container?

Unfortunately, if you lose your token or container we won’t be able to replace it. Tokens and containers that are not returned by our deadline (typically during exam week in spring) will be charged to your Hokie Passport account at the end of each school year.

Who can take part in the Reusable To-Go program?

All faculty, staff and students are eligible! Everyone with a Hokie Passport has three Reusable To-Go containers credited to their account. If you would like to purchase additional containers you will be charged $3.50 flex or $7.00 cash/credit for an additional container.

When are Reusable To-go Containers available to be used?

Reusable To-go containers are available until Reading Day of each semester, and all containers need to be returned before the dining centers close for the summer. Tokens and containers that are not returned by our deadline will be charged to your Hokie Passport account at the end of each school year.

6 responses to “Reusable To -Go Containers

  1. how do i purchase the to-go containers!?

    • Hi Courtney,
      Starting this fall, you will be able to buy-in to the program at West End, Turner and Owens. When you check out you’ll just need to tell the cashier that you are buying into the program and you will be charged for you meal as well as $3 for participation in the Reusable to-go program. Hope that helps!

  2. Hello,
    I was actually really interested in implementing something like at my school and I had some questions and would love to communicate with you on how this works at your school! I will attach my contact information thank you very much! Love this program!

    • I am forwarding your information on to our Southgate Warehouse Assistant Director. He will be able to get you in touch with someone that can give you more details about our sustainability efforts.

  3. Rachel Weisbrot

    Hello! I am also very interested in starting a reusable to-go container system at my school – especially one with OZZI machines (that is similar to your program). I would love to get in touch with someone in the program on how it got started at Virginia Tech/how it works!

    • Thank you for commenting with us. I am forwarding your information on to Gwyneth Manser who is our Sustainability Manager. She will be able to answer most of your questions.

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